Andy Cole started the topic 1975 Piper Cherokee Archer I in the forum Planes For Sale 5 years, 2 months ago
So after completing major upgrades and renovation on this plane, I am being forced to move back to the mainland, for better healthcare.
Gorgeous 1975 Piper Cherokee Archer I. Fully IFR equipped and certified with dual VOR, DME, and. GPS. Just added a GTN 750 nav/com with a GTX 345 transponder, ADSB in/out; both have bluetooth and can display t…[Read more]
Andy Cole started the topic Velocity Aircraft Kit in the forum Planes For Sale 5 years, 4 months ago
I am being forced to move to the mainland for healthcare, and I’m selling my Velocity SE2 kit before I go.
Kit has all the factory upgrade options, including: retractable landing gear, dual side stick controls, cut down keel, and toe brakes! Includes everything from the factory to complete the airframe, including many premade fiberglass, carbon…[Read more]
Andy Cole replied to the topic 100 Octane "High Lead" AvGas. in the forum Aviation Legistation 5 years, 8 months ago
Yes, but all of our engines now are set-up for 100LL, which is the standard in the entire USA, and most of the world.
Eventually, they are going to figure out a zero lead 100 octane fuel, and force everyone to use that; however, that has nothing to do with forcing us to use it in our engines here and now.
100LL is much better for all our engines…[Read more]
Andy Cole started the topic 100 Octane "High Lead" AvGas. in the forum Aviation Legistation 5 years, 8 months ago
Only 2 states in the whole USA still allow the old green 100 Octane AvGas, and one of them is Hawaii. Almost the entire rest of the developed world has already banned this fuel also!
In fact, that is the only AvGas available in Hilo, and the only self serve in Kahului, along with others. The US EPA is pressuring the FAA to replace 100LL, b…[Read more]
Andy Cole replied to the topic AIRCRAFT FOR SALE HAWAII in the forum Planes For Sale 5 years, 8 months ago
Sorry for the delayed response, but I’ve found the best place to find aircraft for sale in Hawaii is Craigslist. I never cared much for Craigslist, due to the amount of stolen goods, and other illicit activity around it; however, here in Hawaii, it seems to be the place with the most activity. Personally, I wish more would use this forum, as it…[Read more]
Andy Cole replied to the topic Piper PA28-180 for sale in the forum Planes For Sale 5 years, 12 months ago
Thanks Peter!
Kelly was indeed selling it, and I just bought it. Thanks for taking such good care of it all those years!
Let me know if you are ever in Hilo and want to take a flight down memory airway.
Andy Cole replied to the topic How to buy an aircraft in the forum Planes For Sale 6 years ago
I have a related question:
How much does it cost to ferry a used plane from the mainland?
Anyone have a good contact for this???
Andy Cole replied to the topic Piper PA28-180 for sale in the forum Planes For Sale 6 years ago
Is this still available? If so, how much are you looking to get for it?
Andy Cole became a registered member 6 years ago
Andy Cole2023-12-22T11:07:10-10:00