Hawaii Aviation Forums Aviation Resources Kalaeloa Airport (JRF) AOB Meeting July 2020

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  • Author
    • Rob Moore
      Post count: 30

      The 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII celebration will be happening on Hawaii August 29-September 2, 2020.  Attached are three papers that describe the three plans that happen on August 29, August 30 and September 2 at various times of day.  These plans reflect vintage aircraft fly bys that will affect HNL VRF and some IFR operations during these dates and times.  There will be an HNL-users meeting via Zoom on July 21 at 1200-1400 HST to discuss effects of these Fly Bys on the Hawaii aviation community.  Zoom access is by You are invited to the following ZoomGov meeting provided by FAVES. Optional ways to join are:
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      Also happening soon is RIMPAC.  RIMPAC is scheduled August 17-31 and should not affect us since activities will be mostly off shore.

      The JRF AOB meeting on July 15 indicated the same problems with no actions by HI DOTA to resolve the problems.  We are STILL waiting on HI DOTA to do a airfield survey so the restriction of “no night approaches” can be removed from the JRF RNAV 4R approach.  Slides for the meeting is provided.  Also, Jeff Sawyer, airport manager, stated that they are finalizing new rules for JRF security.  Maybe around fall-winter of 2020, new JRF AoA badges will be issued to tenants and a new vehicle decal will also be issued.  Ramp access will be through the manned gate northwest of hangar 111.


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