Hawaii Aviation Forums Aviation Resources Errors in Dec. 31 2020 printed Pacific Supplement

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    • Claudio Friederich
      Post count: 15

      The printed form of the Dec. 31 2020 Chart Supplement Pacific (FAA blue book) is completely screwed up this time around.  40 or so pages are missing, and replaced with a whole section from what appears to be the supplement from the northwest mainland, containing Q routes and approaches/airport diagrams for Wyoming and Washington.  For those of you using paper FAA charts, here is a way around this with minimal work: For the missing pages, keep the matching ones from the previous (Nov. 5 2020) edition.  The only charts with changes from that edition that are among the missing pages are the 4 IAPs for Lanai.  To get these, go to https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/flight_info/aeronav/digital_products/dtpp/search/results/?cycle=2014&state=HI&sort=airport&dir=asc&page=3 and click the ones for Lanai, and print them yourself.  I do not know whether all copies of the Hawaii charts got messed up in printing, or whether it was just a particular printing run.  Hope this saves someone some hassle.

    • Claudio Friederich
      Post count: 15

      Update – I have submitted notice of the error to the FAA.

    • H. Gert
      Post count: 5

      Thank you, Claudio!

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